Conference AV Production


Conference AV Production in Belgrade, Serbia

They say all good things come in small packages and this European conference AV production fit that analogy perfectly.

The conference was for our pharmaceutical client, who regularly hosts conferences throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, the US and Australia. Having travelled the world with this client for many years to deliver international events, we understand the importance of precision and superb technical production.

As their conference AV and technical production partner, we make it our business to ensure every conference runs on time, is technically sound and offers an engaging experience.

The Brief

On this occasion we were asked to deliver a professional conference production for a small audience in the room. It was also to be recorded for referencing and sharing at a later date.

As part of the set and conference AV, The Production People delivered the following package:

  • Lighting design and rigging
  • Set design and build
  • All Audio Visual (AV) equipment
  • Video production
  • Presentation support

The Compact Venue

The conference took place in the capital city of Serbia, Belgrade, where we occupied one of the conference suites at the Hilton Hotel.

Measuring just 46 square metres, the conference room was very narrow, barely allowing space for a professional set. Fortunately, only 20 delegates were to be hosted at the conference and they would be seated in a banqueting layout. This meant we did not need to install a raised stage for all to see, freeing up much needed floor space. We were however, able to install a professional set and a small raised platform with a digital lectern for the main speaker.

Conference Design by The Production People

Set Design

Due to the limited space within the conference room, we used a panelled set, with LED batten uplighters and projection from the back of the room to display the presentation and logos.

Where we would normally place a comfort monitor at the foot of the stage to display the presentation for the speaker, we chose to fit the comfort monitor on a tall stand at the back of the room to save on floor space.

conference set design

The Conference AV Specification

The conference set was illuminated with a wash of blue to mimic the corporate colours. In order to create and control the lighting design, we used:

  • 1 x Avoiltes Tiger Touch lighting desk
  • 8 x ELP CL LED Profiles
  • 12 x Pulsar Chroma Battens

The conference AV production needed to display the powerpoint clearly and support the speaker in their presentation. Therefore, our specification included:

  • 1 x Panasonic RZ970 Projector
  • 1 x 200” Front Projection Screen
  • 1 x 65” LED Comfort Monitor at back of room rigged on a tall stand
  • 1 x Roland XS84H Matrix Switcher

To provide a clear and concise sound from the speaker throughout the the conference, we used:

  • 1 x Yamaha QL1 audio mixer
  • 6-Way Sennheiser G3 330 Wireless mic rack
  • 2 x QSC K8 speakers
  • 2 x QSC K10 speakers
conference av production

Conference Video Production and Streaming

As global pharmaceutical company, the client not only wanted to share their content from the conference with those in the room, but record it for future reference and sharing online. Therefore we provided hot head cameras with conference video production solutions.

Final Thoughts & Challenges

It was a pleasure to support our pharmaceutical client with their Serbian conference production. While we came across some questionable activity at border control into Serbia, we were able to act quickly and ensure the conference could still go ahead.

The Production People is a UK technical production company and we work in countries worldwide. Consequently, we have been exposed to unorthodox activities at numerous borders. As unpleasant as it can be, we work with our clients and staff to make precautions in our risk assessments for each conference.

By working with us, you can be assured that TPP strive to deliver a smooth conference production at all costs. From the planning stages through to the production itself we take time to prepare and plan for all eventualities.

Our professionalism and creativity is why our corporate clients return time and time again. If you are looking for a professional technical and conference AV production partner, please get in touch

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