Causal AI 2022

London Conference Production


Behind The Bike Shed, Shoreditch, London


Causal AI Conference 2022


Conference Production

AI experts from around the globe gathered in Shoreditch for The Causal AI Conference 2022 (cA122). This was an opportunity to hear from leading scientists, behavioural experts, innovators, educators, and researchers about AI now and in the future. 

Sharing their valuable insight on AI and its impact on human decision making were high profile speakers from around the world. The likes of whome included: professionals from Cornell University, Nestle, Scotiabank, Mayo Clinic, MRM and CausaLens (the organisers).

Supporting the keynote speakers in their quest to share their expertise, were the team at TPP. We were the London conference production company for the event. 

We supplied the technical production, with set design and build. In addition, we delivered video production. This meant the conference could be recorded and later streamed to the conference’s dedicated YouTube channel.

The Unbelievable Feedback from The Audience About Our Conference Production Services

Before we talk about what we supplied for the cAI22 conference, we’d like to share this unbelievable comment from one audience member during the closing remarks. They were so impressed by our smooth operation of the presentation, here’s what they said:

“This is the first conference I have ever been at where there was not a single glitch, that I noticed, in terms of a presentation that wasn’t loading, so I think it was really an amazing job.”

Anonymous audience member’s comment during the closing remarks.
conference production

Hybrid Conference Production by The Production People 

Following that incredible feedback, let’s move on and tell you about how we worked with This is Fury to produce the conference for Causal AI 2022.

There are multiple layers to conference production, including set design and lighting, technical production, video production and streaming. At The Production People (TPP), we cover every aspect, ensuring conferences are professionally produced.

On this occasion, the organisers of cAI22 took full advantage of our turnkey services by selecting TPP’s fully immersive hybrid event production.

Conference Production Brief

The technical brief for the cAI22 London conference production included:

Event Location 

Behind The Bike Shed was the venue for cAI22. Located in the heart of Shoreditch, London’s creative and entrepreneurial district, this quirky event space is a popular haunt for global brands. 

While it offers 12,000sqft of event space, it has an air of intimacy. The venue itself is within redeveloped railway arches along a private road. The quirky interior features renovated exposed brick arches, coupled with industrial windows and exposed ductwork. 

Yes, this is a cool event space, hence it is a popular venue for big brands conferences, corporate events, product launches, and corporate hospitality. 

From a technical production point of view, access to this venue is ideal. It has a private road for loading and unloading equipment. Plus, the arched interior reduces noise reverberations, which is brilliant for live conferences and filmed events like cAI22.

Set Design and Build 

cAI22 was an intimate conference with an audience of around 110 people. The floor and roof space within the venue was small, consquequently we opted for a low-rise stage. 

For the set, we designed a classic black backdrop that displayed the presentation via projection. This was ideal because hat the information being shared at the was intricate in nature and the focus could remain on keynote speaker and the content.

As well as the projection, the presentation was mirrored on two additional screens, positioned on either side of the room. 

Behind The Bike Shed Conference

Event Lighting 

The event lighting for this conference was kept simple. We hung Fresnel wash lights from the venue’s existing ceiling rig. These luminaires ensured the keynote speaker and stage were suitably lit for a hybrid audience.

To make an impression within the room, we used battery LED uplighters to wash the brick walls, making a feature of the venue’s distinctive archways. Blue was the selected colour to mimic the event’s corporate branding.

conference lighting London

Technical Production

Further to the event lighting, screens and projection, we supplied additional presentation equipment.

For the keynote speakers, we provided battery-powered mic headsets and floor mounted comfort monitors. The comfort monitors display the speaker’s presentation on the floor in front of them. This allows the speaker to continue facing the audience, while occasionally glancing at the monitor to reference key points.

All of the event lighting, audio, PowerPoint and camera equipment was centrally controlled by our team throughout the conference.

Filming and Streaming

Finally, we come on to the filming and editing of this insightful London conference. To film the event, we had a three-camera set-up. Using fixed hot head cameras on stands, we were able to alternate the camera angles between two stage views and one audience view. 

How Can TPP Support Your Global and London Conference Production?

Here at TPP, we support a wide range of corporate events, and conference production is all part of the service. From conference design to the technical event production, our services are integral to event teams worldwide.

We bring all the benefits of working with a UK technical production company to international conferences. Consequently, our event crew have fulfilled the technical production and set design needs of clients in New York, Seoul, Sydney, Madrid, Chicago, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Miami, Shanghai and back on home turf in London. There are no limits to where we’ll travel to deliver high quality conference production.

Contact us to see how we can support you.

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